Thursday, March 24, 2011

Goji Berry Advance

Goji berries are taking the world by storm. Tibetans have been using these berries for centuries due to their ability to improve the immune system and boost energy levels. Recently it has been discovered that goji berries also have weight loss properties which has caused them to become highly popular in the western world. Many supplements are popping up using goji berries to help with weight loss; the question arises, which product to buy? I am here to tell you that the best goji berry supplement is Goji Berry Advance, which combines other all natural ingredients to make a very powerful weight loss formula.

Goji Berry Advance combines all natural ingredients with the addition of goji berries to boost your immune system, increase energy levels, and raise your metabolism to make you shed off the pounds and boost overall health and energy levels. Goji Berry Advance is, by far, the best natural weight loss formula available on the market today. Hollywood has known this for some time now, but have attempted to keep it away from the common consumer. Well, the secret is out and anyone can get Goji Berry Advance. This is fantastic news since goji berries are truly a miracle fruit, giving you more benefits then anything else on the market.

Goji Berry Advance has 100% natural ingredients, this means no risky or harmful side effects. Best of all, they believe in their product so much that they have offered a 90 day money back guarantee. The worst thing that can happen would be it not working, so send it back for a full refund of the product price. Trust me, after using Goji Berry Advance, I can tell you that there is no way you will be sending this product back. If you want a truly fantastic and safe weight loss product, then try out Goji Berry Advance today. 


Herbal medicines for treatment

Objectives: Many hundreds of plant extracts have been tested for in vitro antibacterial activity. This review is a critical evaluation of controlled clinical trials of herbal medicines with antibacterial activity.
Methods: Four electronic databases were searched for controlled clinical trials of antibacterial herbal medicines. Data were extracted and validated in a standardized fashion, according to predefined criteria, by two independent reviewers.
Results: Seven clinical trials met our inclusion criteria. Four of these studies were randomized. Three trials of garlic and cinnamon treatments for Helicobacter pylori infections reported no significant effect. Bacterial infections of skin were treated in four trials. Positive results were reported for an ointment containing tea leaf extract in impetigo contagiosa infections. Two trials of tea tree oil preparations used for acne and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and one trial of Ocimum gratissimum oil for acne, reported results equivalent to conventional treatments.
Conclusions: Few controlled clinical trials have been published and most are methodologically weak. The clinical efficacy of none of the herbal medicines has so far been demonstrated beyond doubt. This area seems to merit further study through rigorous clinical trials. Visit

Your Idol Lash Eye Lash Enhancement

Idol Lash is a unique eyelash growth serum that will help you achieve Longer, Darker, Thicker and Beautiful eyelashes in a matter of weeks. Like liquid eyeliner, Idol Lash is simply applied once a day. Within two to four weeks, your own natural eyelashes will be Longer, Thicker, Fuller Darker, and BEAUTIFUL! The Trial Offer is available in
Longer thicker eyelashes hаνе always bееn one οf thе mοѕt hard aspects οf beauty fοr women tο overcome. Mοѕt women аrе born wіth thin brittle eyelashes, аnԁ thе problem οnƖу gets οf poorer quality wіth age. Thе past decade hаѕ seen science turn eyelash enhancement іntο a billion dollar industry, уеt wіth аƖƖ thеѕе advancements hοw ԁο wе know whісh eyelash enhancement methods аnԁ treatments аrе really safe аnԁ effective? 
Eyelash Extensions Eyelash extensions аrе one οf thе mοѕt common аnԁ mοѕt expensive forms οf eyelash enhancements available. Paying hundreds οf dollars fοr a pair οf soir?e quality semi-permanent eyelashes іѕ simply beyond thе means οf mοѕt women, аnԁ thе cheaper versions tend tο fall οff аnԁ leave clumps οf glue thаt risk removing thе natural eyelash. WhіƖе a pair οf top quality fаkе eyelashes іѕ mοѕt οftеn thе best looking solution, paying three hundred dollars simply isn’t economically feasible fοr mοѕt women today.
Eyelash Mascaras Eyelash mascaras hаνе become more well Ɩονеԁ іn recent being аnԁ nearly еνеrу major beauty company offers a line οf longer eyelash mascaras. Thеѕе products аrе οftеn јυѕt thе same mascara аѕ thеіr οthеr lines рƖасе іntο a nеw bottle wіth a nеw name. Nοt аƖƖ eyelash mascaras аrе produced equal though, many higher еnԁ lengthening mascaras wіƖƖ mаkе уουr eyelashes appear longer fοr a small period οf time before becoming clumpy аnԁ fading. If уου аrе going tο bυу thеѕе mascaras іt іѕ recommended thаt уου avoid bottom οf thе line drug store brands аnԁ look fοr top οf thе line boutique brands.
Eyelash Serums Eyelash growth serums hаνе οnƖу come аbουt іn thе last few being уеt hаνе become surprisingly well Ɩονеԁ іn such a small period οf time. Eyelash growth serums work bу infusing vitamins аnԁ nutrients directly іntο thе eyelash hair follicle, mаkіnɡ a longer, thicker, аnԁ healthier eyelash. Eyelash enhancement serums аrе mοѕt οftеn a one tο two month process іn whісh thе user applies thе serum once a day іn exactly thе same way thаt one wουƖԁ apply mascara. Mοѕt users see drastic results іn one month, whісh іѕ whу eyelash growth serums hаνе become ѕο well Ɩονеԁ.
Conclusion WhіƖе thеrе аrе many ways tο give thе appearance οf long ɡοrɡеουѕ lashes, thеrе іѕ οnƖу one cost conscious уеt subdue effective way tο mаkе those lashes уουr οwn. Eyelash growth serums hаνе bееn scientifically formulated tο give уου thick, ԁаrk, аnԁ long lashes thаt аrе one hundred percent real аnԁ аƖƖ yours. Fοr a limited time, Idol Lash, thе number one eyelash growth serum іѕ charitable away free trial offers tο ɡеt testimonials frοm real women асrοѕѕ thе country. Claim yours аnԁ share уουr results wіth thе world today!  Tο find out more аbουt Idol Lash fοr free click here:

African Mango Health Benefits

African Mango is the hottest new weight loss product on the block and has been featured in all major television networks.

Despite the recent frenzy surrounding African Mango and its weight-loss benefits, the fruit has actually been used as a diet aid for centuries in Cameroon, Africa—the only place in the world where African Mango is grown. The brightly colored tropical fruit is found exclusively in Cameroon's west-coastal rainforests. African mango, or bush mango, differs from other mango fruits in that it produces a peculiar seed, which natives of Cameroon refer to as "Dikka nuts." For hundreds of years, an extract from the seeds called irvingia gabonensis have been used among Cameroon villagers for its wide-ranging medicinal benefits.
Published in the journal of “Lipids in Health and Disease.” The study was conducted on 102 people split between those taking the African Mango and those taking the placebo. According to the study taking African Mango resulted in “Significant improvements in body weight, body fat, and waist circumference. African Mango (Irvingia gabonensis) administered 150 mg twice daily before meals to overweight and/or obese human volunteers favorably impacts body weight and a variety of parameters characteristic of the metabolic syndrome.” Visit

Revitol Scar Cream

Revitol Scar Cream can help erase those unwanted scars with a special formula that is completely natural and easy on your skin. We’ve worked hard to develop a blend of all-natural ingredients that fortify your skin with proteins and vitamins. This formula helps reduce the appearance of scars caused by acne, burns, and other factors in a way that’s both natural and effective.
The result is a cream that helps rejuvenate the skin, and can help reduce the appearance of unsightly scars, even if they’ve been there for years!
Don’t put up with those unsightly scars any longer. You don’t have to! When you order Revitol Scar Cream today, you can begin to enjoy its benefits in just a few weeks.
No longer will you have to hide unsightly scars on your arms and legs, or worry about how people will look at the acne scars on your face. With Revitol Scar Cream, you’ll have confidence knowing people are looking at you and not your scars, and what they’re seeing is your natural beauty! More info please click

Nail Fungus Prevention

Nail Fungus Prevention To help prevent nail fungus and reduce recurrent infections, practice good hand and foot hygiene by following these steps:

* Keep your nails short, dry and clean. Trim nails straight across and file down thickened areas.
Thoroughly dry your hands and feet, including between your toes, after bathing.

* Wear appropriate socks. Synthetic socks that wick away moisture may keep your feet dryer than do cotton or wool socks (you can also wear synthetic socks underneath other socks). Change them often, especially if your feet sweat excessively. Take your shoes off occasionally during the day and after exercise. Alternate closed-toe shoes with open-toed shoes.

* Use an antifungal spray or powder. Spray or sprinkle your feet and the insides of your shoes.

* Wear rubber gloves. This protects your hands from overexposure to water. Between uses, turn the rubber gloves inside out to dry.

* Don't trim or pick at the skin around your nails. This may give germs access to your skin and nails.

* Don't go barefoot in public places. Wear shoes around public pools, showers and locker rooms.

* Choose a reputable manicure and pedicure salon. Make sure the salon sterilizes its instruments. Better yet, bring your own.

* Give up nail polish and artificial nails. Although it may be tempting to hide nail fungal infections under a coat of pretty pink polish, this can trap unwanted moisture and worsen the infection.

* Wash your hands after touching an infected nail. Nail fungus can spread from nail to nail.For more information visit:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dandruff Treatment

What is Dandruff?
Dandruff is simply dead skin shedding from your head at a fast rate. Almost everyone has had dandruff at some point to one degree or another. People with a strong degree of dandruff will experience an itchy scalp.

Causes of Dandruff:
The following are items that may cause dandruff:
Hormone imbalance.
Excessive perspiration
Allergic reactions
Excessive stress
Poor hygene
Poor nutritioin/health
Lack of sleep
Inherited genetic trait
Inadequete shampooing and rinsing of the hair.
Tight fitting hats.
Excessive use of hair styling products (gel, mouse, hair dye, hair curler...)
Cold weather
Dry enviroment.
Excessive Heat

Even though dandruff is known as the drying of the scalp, it is most common in people with oily hair.

Dandruff Treatment

Unfortunately there is no cure for dandruff yet (once you get it you may continue to have it), but there are ways that you can control and limit dandruff.

If you have only a mild case of dandruff, shampooing your hair with a regular shampoo daily or twice a day will usually do the trick.

Start out by trying a mild shampoo, stronger shampoos can irritate and dry out your hair making dandruff flaking worst.

If your standard shampoo doesn't get rid of your dandruff, buy an anti-dandruff shampoo and your dandruff condition should improve signifigantly in a couple of weeks.

Picking the right shampoo for your hair can be a process of trial and error, try out different shampoos to see which one works best for you and also rotating shampoos periodically can be good for your hair.

Once you have found an anti-dandruff shampoo that works for you, keep on using it or your dandruff will most likely reoccur.

Lather and rinse twice when using anti-dandruff shampoos, the first time cycle will clean your scalp, the second cycle will medicate it.

Beautiful eyes

Sparkling, beautiful eyes are the best assets a woman can have. Do take time to cater to the special care that eyes need regularly.

Eat enough of Vitamin A and C. Take special care in the choice of eye make-up. Don't use make-up that can irritate and harm the eyes. Avoid spending too much time in smoky rooms and don't neglect a check-up on a regular basis.

Soak 1 tspn dry Gooseberry powder in a cup of water overnight. Strain this in the morning and add 1 cup of plain water to this. Splash the eyes with this or wash them with the help of an eyecup.

Tip 2:

Dip a pad of cotton wool in some Rose water to which 2-3 drops of Castor oil is added. Place these soaked pads on the eyelids and relax for 15-20 minutes.

Tip 3:

Splash the eyes with a weak tea solution, thoroughly strained and cooled.

Tip 4:

Cotton pads dipped in a cold tea solution and placed on the eyelids whilst relaxing.

Source :

The Best Natural Acne Treatments and Making Acne Vanish Permanently..

Acne can be unsightly and embarrassing, but it can be treated and the effects can be minimized. Natural acne treatments can help alleviate the problem. Laser treatments can provide a more permanent solution and may be covered by your health insurance. It is up to each person to find the best acne treatments for their particular problem. This article discusses:
  • What is the role of herbs in treatment of acne?
  • Is it possible to get an acne free skin by laser treatment?
  • Why acne is so prevalent among teenagers?
Acne can be unsightly and embarrassing, but it can be treated and the effects can be minimized. Natural acne treatments can help alleviate the problem. Laser treatments can provide a more permanent solution. It is up to each person to find the best acne treatments for their particular problem.

What is Acne and why does it happen?

Acne is an infection or disorder of the hair follicles (or pores) and sebaceous glands. Acne can take the form of pimples, black heads, white heads, cysts, abscesses or nodules. It can occur on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders.

Acne's occur when the pores or sebaceous glands get blocked or plugged by sebum (the skin's natural lubricant) or bacteria. This is more likely to occur in people who have greasy skin (and an overabundance of sebum). Hormonal changes can cause this overabundance of sebum, which is why acne is so prevalent among teenagers, but acne can happen long after the teenage years have passed.

The Best Natural Remedies for Treating Acne

Natural acne treatments can be very effective and some of the best acne treatments are simple things people can do at home with the things they may have around the house. People with mild or less severe acne can often solve their problem with a natural acne treatment. Here are some of the best natural treatments for acne.


A number of herbs can be effective as a natural acne treatment. Try aloe vera, sage, sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock, basic, sandalwood or tea tree oil. Herbs are seeped in water and the resulting mixture is applied directly to the affected areas. Neem is also effective in treating a variety of skin disorders. You can buy Neem in leaf powder form. Turmeric is also good for treating acne. You can take it internally or make it into a paste and apply it to your skin. Green tea is also known to be good for people with acne


Fruit is one of the best acne treatments. Choose mango, pawpaw, grapefruit or a fruit that has lots of acid. You can apply the fruit directly to your skin or you can use it to make a mask by mashing it into a pulp. You can add oatmeal or egg yolk if you want. Apply it to the skin as a mask and leave for fifteen minutes.

Source :

Friday, January 14, 2011

Maqui Berry

Maqui is the hottest new berry on the block and has been featured in all major television networks including ABC & CBS. Maqui berries are among the most nutritious foods of the Amazon, rich in B vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
Maqui Berry Health Benefits
There is more to maqui berry that meets the eye. Most people do not know the additional benefits they can get by taking supplements made out of the extracts of this Chilean berry. Most people are of the illusion that maqui berry healing properties are restricted just to burning down one’s fat. Such people should spend some time and analyze how and why did they get fat and what other ailments are associated with obesity. Only when they find out about those things, will they be able to appreciate the multi benefits derived from taking maqui berry health supplements.

It is high time that you dismissed the others and went in for the best. Till a few months back you had only limited choices as far as herbal medications for curing your obesity were concerned. Out of them all just a few, including the one sourced from the Amazonian rainforests were available. But now a new kid on the block is available to help you overcome your obesity problems. Those who have taken supplements concocted from the extracts of the Chilean maqui berry are sparing no words in its praise.
It feels painful but there is no way that you can avoid the fact that you are bloated up. For a long period of time you had neglected your body prohibited you to do and had rather listened more to your mind. Even though you were not hungry, you could not resist yourself whenever you saw some tasty morsel. You had formed such a bad habit that you would raid the fridge immediately after completing lunch… just because the fridge contained some of your favorite dishes.

Acai Berry Diet

Acai Berry Diet

If you are like most people you are always looking for a new diet, one that promises quick results and one that is “healthy”. You also want someting that is easy. Well, the latest craze is the acai berry diet. Acai berry has proven to be very effective remedy for weight loss. It increases the metabolism in the body and helps people shed pounds. The main benefit is that it takes a shorter time to shed weight.

Not only is this the "diet of all diets", but it has anti-aging properties as well! If that doesn't sell you, nothing will. If you haven’t heard of the acai berry diet yet, you will. Check out some of the top medical websites. This is listed as one of the top 10 super foods by some big names in the medical and health field. Studies have also shown that the acai berry is one of the more nutritious and powerful fruits available today. It is being highly marketed and highly praised by those who have used it.

A Little Bit About The Acai Berry

First, let’s talk about the acai berry. The acai berry is an reddish, purple fruit, related to the blueberry and cranberry, that comes from the acai palm tree. It is native to South and Central America. It is harvested in the rainforests. It contains anthocyanins and flavonoids, amino acids, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, and phytosterols. All of these working together aid the cardiovascular and digestive systems. These ingredients also help with muscular health. Acai berry also contains a large amount of antioxidants. Acai berry antioxidants may help prevent certain diseases, including heart disease and cancer. A diet rich in antioxidants may aid in the destructive consequences of aging and the disease process by actually neutralizing free radicals in our bodies. Some research has shown that the pulp of the acai berry has ten times the amount of antioxidants as red grapes, and thirty times the anthocyanins as red wine.

Acai Berry as a Popular Diet Food

You have probably been hearing about the many foods that are rich in anthocyanins, such as red grapes, blueberries, and red wine. All are being touted as anti-aging and good for the heart. However, studies show that acai berries have these same health benefits, maybe more, and help in weight loss.
The acai berry is becoming known as one of the best ways for reducing weight. It eliminates accumulated fat in your body. It increases metabolism, which in turn helps you lose weight. Acai berry is also an all-natural product and very affordable. The organic acai berry seems to be the solution for long-term results for many people who are using it on a regular basis in order stay fit and get rid of unwanted belly pounds. The best part is that acai berry is also delicious. It tastes like berries and chocolate mixed together.

Should I Try The Acai Berry Diet?

The Acai Berry diet is definitely worth trying. But, with so many places and people talking about it, you really wont know how well it works until you try it for yourself. So, stop waiting and go see for yourself!

Tip: If you want to try the acai berry, we recommend looking at our acai berry reviews on our homepage. We have four of the top products listed there that also offer a free trial.

Specialization Training,,

Daily Specialization Training - Transform Your Weakest
Bodyparts Into Your STRONGEST Bodyparts!

Experience the power of extremely targeted, high-frequency
training. It literally has the power to turn your weakest
bodyparts into your best!

By Nick Nilsson

Everybody has them but nobody wants them. What are they?
Stubborn, hard-to-develop bodyparts. For me, it's shoulders
and calves. For you, it may be chest and triceps or perhaps
hamstrings and quadriceps. No matter what the part, the
solution to it remains the same: specialization!

Specialization is a technique that provides highly-targeted
training overload to one or more bodyparts. This can be in
the form of additional training volume and/or training
frequency, i.e. do more sets for it and/or train it more
often. Just like medical doctors specialize in certain
areas of medicine, you will learn how to specialize on a
particular bodypart and excel with it.

I'm going to show you a particular specialization program
that I've found to be EXTREMELY useful for developing stubborn
bodyparts. It's not hard to do and it doesn't take long to
do but it has the potential to shatter plateaus in hard-to-
develop bodyparts like a brick through a plate glass window.

How To Do Daily Specialization:

The name of the program is Daily Specialization and, as the
name implies, it's done on a daily basis. In a nutshell,
you will do just 1 set of 1 exercise for 1 bodypart twice a
day, every day. It's very simple but very powerful and it
can be done with any bodypart you like!

I will use dips as an example here but you can use any
exercise you like. Choose an exercise you can do at home
for your selected bodypart to make it easier and more
convenient to do (chances are, you're not going to be going
to the gym twice a day to do 1 set of 1 exercise!).

If you have weights at home, it will broaden your selection
but I find that bodyweight exercises (that use your bodyweight
for resistance, e.g. dips, chin-ups, push-ups, etc.) are
most effective.

Using dips as the example, on Day 1, very soon after you
wake up, do as many dips as you can. Go to failure, doing
as many reps as you can then stop. That's your morning
workout. You're done.

Do everything else in your day as you normally would, even
your regular workouts for that bodypart if they're on your
schedule. This program exists completely outside your
regular workout schedule.

At night before you go to bed, do another set of dips to
failure. That's it. When you wake up the next day, do
another set of dips to failure, just like on Day 1. Keep
this up for as long as you like - anywhere from a few weeks
to a few months, depending on the results you want and
whether you want to switch to another bodypart or not.

This is the entire program! As a quick note, you can add a
third set in the middle of the day on non-training days in
order to speed results. It will give your body a little
extra stimulus for that bodypart. Also, do only one bodypart
at a time with this program. If you add in more parts, you
will dilute the training stress and diminish the effects
of the program.

The key to success with this program is consistency. You
MUST do it consistently every day, twice a day, without fail
to provide that constant training stimulus to the body.
Even if you don't feel like it, do it. Even if you're tired
and you don't get nearly as many reps as usual, do it. Even
if your muscles are sore, do it. The only exception to this
rule is if you're sick or injured. Do this, and you WILL
get results.

Why It Works:

Physiologically speaking, the body becomes its function. If
you run long distances, your body will have a tendency to
become smaller and lighter to be better able to cope with the
stress. If you lift weights, your body will have a tendency
to become more muscular in order to deal with the resistance.

We target this highly-efficient adaptation process by training
stubborn bodyparts with very high frequency. Your body
quickly learns it needs to build up that bodypart in response
to this constant workload. Your body will very quickly start
allocating recovery resources towards rebuilding that part
bigger and stronger.

You keep working it and your body will keep building it.
This program harnesses the adaptive power of your body and
channels it into a specific bodypart for maximum results.
The results are consistent and phenomenal!

Let me give you my experience with Daily Specialization. I
used this program for my shoulders, doing handstand push-ups.
At a bodyweight of 200 pounds, when I started I couldn't do
a single full rep, only a few partial reps.

After 12 weeks of consistently doing handstand push-ups
morning and night, I was able to perform 40 full reps at the
very same bodyweight. If you think about this for a moment,
it's actually quite shocking! Could you imagine barely
being able to bench press your bodyweight one day then,
3 months later, being able to press it 40 times!

The results came little by little but on a consistent and
daily basis. Over the 3 months (which were going to go by
anyway, regardless of whether I did this program or not)
this resulted in HUGE gains in muscle development and also
carried over to strength in exercises such as shoulder press
and bench press.

You can easily achieve powerful results like this with the
Daily Specialization Program.

One of the greatest benefits I found with this program wasn't
even the improvement in strength and muscle development.
Working the stubborn bodypart twice a day to failure actually
made my stubborn shoulders not stubborn anymore!

The constant workload, in addition to building strength and
muscle mass, also greatly increased the circulation/
capillarization in the muscles. Poor blood circulation is
one of the biggest causes of lagging muscle development.
This greatly-improved circulation meant more nutrients could
get into the muscles more easily, which means easier muscle
growth in the long-term.

Not a bad result for a few minutes of effort every day!

I want you to pick a lagging bodypart, pick an exercise for
it and try this program for yourself. I guarantee you will
see consistent results. Your body will simply have no choice!

Interested in learning more about other Specialization
Programs and how you can use them to shatter training
plateaus? Click this link now to find out about other
highly-targeted Specialization Programs.

Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of the online personal training
company BetterU, Inc. He has a degree in Physical Education
and Psychology and has been inventing new training techniques
for more than 15 years. Nick is the author of a number of
bodybuilding eBooks including "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss,"
"The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the
Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "Specialization Training,"
all available at (
He can be contacted at

Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

Want to Lose Maximum Fat While Keeping and Even BUILDING Muscle?

I've got 7 things to tell you that will change the way you look at fat loss forever.

1. It IS possible to gain muscle while losing fat, even in advanced trainers.
2. Under the right dietary and training conditions, your body can actually use your own bodyfat to provide energy for building muscle, practically doubling the speed of fat loss.
Low-carb diets work. Low-fat diets work. But neither works forever. You can take the best features of both and combine them to actually FEED off each other with NO plateaus EVER.
4. Training with high reps and isolation exercises for fat loss is a waste of time and energy. It will practically guarantee that you lose muscle.
5. Your own natural metabolism is FAR more powerful for burning fat than any fat-loss pills or potions you could ever take IF you know how to stimulate it properly.
6. Precise manipulation of the nutrients in your diet (protein, fat and carbs) can have extraordinary muscle-building and fat-burning hormonal effects on your body.
7. Rebound weight gain when coming off a diet does NOT have to happen. With the right program, you can actually continue to lose fat even after you're done. There is no rebound, just more results!

If any of these 7 things sound interesting to you, you owe it to yourself to check out this link right now!

The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of,,

The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of - The most important, most effective exercise and training information you will read all year. Period.

You'll learn 53 completely new and revisited exercises that will deliver shocking results. You'll discover

-the secret exercise that shatters bench press plateaus
-variations of the deadlift that tighten your back and abdomen like a steel corset
-an abdominal exercise that can double and even TRIPLE the tension on your abs
-how you can use over 1000 lbs on a free-weight leg exercise! Imagine the muscle growth you'll get from an exercise like that!
-bicep exercises that use your entire bodyweight for maximum muscle stimulation.
-an amazing new calf exercise that works the calves through their ENTIRE anatomical range of motion - it's truly revolutionary!

Click here now to learn how you can use these exercises to dramatically speed up your muscle-building results without any more effort than you're putting in right now!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One-Legged Glute Deadlifts - Do Your Thighs Always Take Over When Training Glutes? Not With THIS Exercise...

By Nick Nilsson

One of the biggest reasons people have a difficult time getting results in the glutes is that the quads tend to
take over. This exercise takes the quads completely OUT of the
movement, putting MAJOR tension on the glutes.

If you have trouble feeling your glutes working in any of the lower body exercises you do, THIS is an exercise you're going to get a lot out targets the glutes with minimal thigh involvement and it could be your key to a WAY better butt!
This one looks suspiciously like a Bulgarian Split Squat but without the squatting.
The Bulgarian Split Squat exercise is done with your back leg up on a bench then you come down in the lunge position (aka split squat).
With THIS new exercise, however, you're going to basically be doing a one-legged stiff-legged deadlift with your back leg up on the bench.
I was actually quite amazed at how strongly this one targeted the glutes...the best part is, it hits the glutes without involving knee flexion to any substantial degree.
What THIS means is that you can build bigger glutes (and/or maintain glute size) when you have knee problems or injuries that prevent you from squatting or lunging.
Now you have no excuses...unless you've got back problems, too, then you're totally @&#$ed, of course (just kidding :)
So here's what the exercise looks'll need two dumbells and a bench for this one. Set the dumbells in front of the bench (I'm using a couple of 85 lb dumbells - start lighter than this when you try these the first time).
Now set your ENTIRE SHIN on the top of the bench. You'll need this for some degree of stability. We're not trying to make this exercise unstable, per se. What we're trying to do is get your body in the right position to force the glutes to activate.
You may need to slide the dumbells forward a bit. Set your front foot in between the two dumbells, get into position on the bench (like you were going to do that split squat movement). Both knees should be bent but held in that same position throughout the exercise.
Bend forward and grab the dumbells. Keep your core tight.
Now pick the dumbells up off the floor. The pressure should be on the heel of your front foot and your glute should be feeling it. Your glute will not only be providing the hip extension that gets you to the upright position, it's also contracting isometrically to maintain that bent-knee split position - double whammy!
Come all the up until your torso is vertical then lower the dumbells slowly back down and set them on the ground. Repeat the movement, lifting the dumbells off the ground - setting them down allows you to reset your body position and keep your lower back well stabilized.
Do your reps on one leg then switch legs. I prefer lower reps with this exercise since the glutes are powerful muscles and need to be hit hard (5 to 7 reps per set is good)

The first time you do it, don't go too heavy though, as you will want to bring your lower back up to speed before pushing to use heavier weight.
It's important to remember, you're setting the dumbells completely on the floor inbetween reps. Breathe out on the way up and keep your core tight. Try to keep an arch in your lower back throughout the movement as well.
Once you've done your reps on one leg, switch to the other leg.
This exercise increases lower back and glute involvement significantly. You're maintaining a bend in the front leg and only moving at the hip, which basically utilizes the glutes from the OTHER direction (known as hip extension). Instead of pushing down against something, you're using the glutes to pull your upper body up.
Because there is no active knee flexion, people with knee issues don't experience the same issues as with lunging or squatting exercises but still get excellent glute, hamstring and lower back work.
So if a better butt (or a bigger butt!) is something you've always wanted but found your thighs always took over the exercises you were doing for that purpose, THIS is an exercise you'll want to try out.
To see this exercise in action, go to: CLICKhere

 And if you're interested in a full-on glute-building PROGRAM, I've got just what you need:

This book is PACKED with exercises, programs and training techniques for building larger, firmer rounder glutes FAST.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Build muscle with this crazy superset technique..

 "Mad Scientist Muscle"

Hi guys,

I've got something VERY cool to share with you today...this is a great superset technique by the "mad scientist" himself Nick Nilsson (author of Mad Scientist Muscle). I tried it with a couple of bodyparts the other day and WOW, does it work.

Basically, you're going to take two exercises that work a single bodypart and combine them into ONE set, alternating reps of each. It hits your muscles from two different angles during the same set, kicking off an emergency reaction in your muscles.

Finish a set of these and the muscles you worked will swell up like balloons.

This link below will take you to a page that gives you full details on it so you can exactly what I'm talking about. It's very cool stuff.
Nick has also posted VIDEOS of this technique for every bodypart and a sample workout that you can take to the gym with you to try this technique out.
==> click here to see this in action

I have to say, if you've not worked with some Nick's unique training techniques and exercises before, you're going to be in for a huge SHOCK. This training may look different than what you're used to but it's INCREDIBLY effective.
Nick is all about developing new exercises, techniques and programs not just for the sake of being different but because it just works BETTER.

The "Mad Scientist Muscle" book follows this concept to a "T." The program is based on good, scientific training principles sprinkled with BIG doses of unique (and yes, sometimes insane!) training concepts. Definitely worth picking up.
==> click here now to check it out

"The Best Abdominal Exercises"